Tight Rope Walker

Tight Rope Walker
List: Master Thief Monk
Cost: 4
Prereqs: Rogue Basic Career Skill List, Climb ~or~ Iron Hand, 2 Monk Proficiencies
Skill Type: Dexterity
Tagged: No
Purchase: Once
Duration: Constant

This skill has only one use, to overcome obstacles encountered during game play which do not physically exist. It allows the character to traverse narrow surfaces and rope at a normal pace and fight normally so long as one foot remains on the representation. It cannot be used to walk along the roofs of out-of-game buildings or from tree branch to tree branch, but if the Marshal only describes the ledge or if the rope is only represented by a string along the ground then the character can use this skill. The Marshal will have final say as to whether the character successfully uses this skill.

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